Ιδιότητα: Διδακτικό Ερευνητικό Προσωπικό (ΔΕΠ)
Βαθμίδα: Καθηγήτρια
Τομέας: Ιστορικής Γεωλογίας και Παλαιοντολογίας
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Μικροπαλαιοντολογία, Θαλάσσια Γεωλογία, Διδακτική των Γεωεπιστημών
Τηλέφωνο: 2107274166, 6974417822
e-mail: aantonar@geol.uoa.gr
Προσωπική ιστοσελίδα: http://scholar.uoa.gr/aantonar
Παλαιοκλιματολογία, Παλαιοωκεανογραφία, Βιο-Χρονολόγηση Ιζημάτων, Διδακτική των Γεωεπιστημών
ZARKOGIANNIS, S., ANTONARAKOU, A., TRIPATI, A., KONTAKIOTIS, G., MORTYN, P.G., DRINIA, H., GREAVES, M., 2019. Influence of surface ocean density on planktonic foraminifera calcification. Scientific Reports, 9, 533, doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-36935-7
ANTONARAKOU, A., KONTAKIOTIS, G., KARAGEORGIS, A.P., BESIOU, E., ZARKOGIANNIS, S., DRINIA, H., MORTYN, G.P., TRIPSANAS, E., 2019. Eco-biostratigraphic advances in late Quaternary geochronology and palaeoclimate: the marginal Gulf of Mexico analogue. Geological Quarterly, 63 (1), 178–191, dx.doi.org/10.7306/gq.1457
ANTONARAKOU, A., KONTAKIOTIS, G., KARAGEORGIS, A.P., BESIOU, E., ZARKOGIANNIS, S., DRINIA, H., MORTYN, G.P., TRIPSANAS, E., 2019. Eco-biostratigraphic advances in late Quaternary geochronology and palaeoclimate: the marginal Gulf of Mexico analogue. Geological Quarterly, 63 (1), 178–191, dx.doi.org/10.7306/gq.1457
ANTONARAKOU, A., KONTAKIOTIS, G., VASILATOS, C., BESIOU, E., ZARKOGIANNIS, S., DRINIA, H., MORTYN, P.G., TSAPARAS, N., MAKRI, P., KARAKITSIOS, V., 2019. Evaluating the effect of marine diagenesis on Late Miocene pre-evaporitic sedimentary successions of eastern Mediterranean Sea. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Sciences, 221, 012051, iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/221/1/012051
ANTONARAKOU, Α., KONTAKIOTIS, G., VASILATOS, CH., BESIOU, E., ZARKOGIANNIS, S., DRINIA, H., MORTYN, P.G., MAKRI, P., KARAKITSIOS, V., 2018. Evaluating the effect of marine diagenesis on Late Miocene pre-evaporitic sedimentary successions of eastern Mediterranean sea. IOP: Earth & Environmental Sciences
GIAMALI, C., KONTAKIOTIS, G., KOSKERIDOU, E., IOAKIM, C., ANTONARAKOU, A., 2020. Key environmental factors controlling planktonic foraminiferal and pteropod community’s response to Late Quaternary hydroclimate changes in the South Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, 709. dx.doi.org/10.3390/jmse8090709
KONTAKIOTIS, G., MOFORIS, L., KARAKITSIOS, V., ANTONARAKOU, A., 2020. Sedimentary Facies Analysis, Reservoir Characteristics and Paleogeography Significance of the Early Jurassic to Eocene Carbonates in Epirus (Ionian Zone, Western Greece). Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8, 706, dx.doi.org/10.3390/jmse8090706
ZACHARIASSE, J.W., KONTAKIOTIS, G., LOURENS, L.J., ANTONARAKOU, A., 2021. The Messinian of Agios Myron (Crete, Greece): A key to better understanding of diatomite formation on Gavdos (south of Crete). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 581, 110633. doi.org/10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110633
ASIMAKOPOULOU, P., NASTOS, P., VASSILAKIS, E., HATZAKI, M., ANTONARAKOU, A., 2021. Earth Observation as a Facilitator of Climate Change Education in Schools: The Teachers’ Perspectives, Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 1587. doi.org/10.3390/rs13081587
BAKOPOULOU, A.; ANTONARAKOU, A.; ZAMBETAKIS-LEKKAS, A., 2021. Existing and Emerging Students’ Alternative Ideas on Geodynamic Phenomena: Development, Controlling Factors, Characteristics. Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 646. doi.org/10.3390/educsci11100646