Ιδιότητα: Διδακτικό Ερευνητικό Προσωπικό (ΔΕΠ)
Βαθμίδα: Καθηγήτρια
Τομέας: Γεωγραφίας και Κλιματολογίας
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Φυσική Γεωγραφία και Γεωλογική Ωκεανογραφία
Τηλέφωνο: 2107274865
e-mail: evinom@geol.uoa.gr
Προσωπική ιστοσελίδα:http://users.uoa.gr/~evinom
Φυσικές Καταστροφές σε χερσαίο και θαλάσσιο Περιβάλλον, θαλάσσια χαρτογράφηση, ηφαιστειότητα, μορφοτεκτονική, γεωπολιτισμική κληρονομιά
Papanikolaou D., Nomikou P., Papanikolaou I., Lampridou D., Rousakis G., Alexandri M. (2019). Active tectonics and seismic hazard in Skyros Basin, North Aegean Sea, Greece. Marine Geology 407, pp.94.
Hooft E.E.E., Heath B.A., Toomey D.R., Paulatto M., Papazachos C.B., Nomikou P., Morgan J.V., Warner M.R. (2019). Seismic imaging of Santorini: Subsurface constraints on caldera collapse and present-day magma recharge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 514, pp.48.
Nomikou P., Hübscher C., Papanikolaou D., Farangitakis P. G., Ruhnau M., Lampridou D. (2018). Expanding extension, subsidence and lateral segmentation within the Santorini - Amorgos basins during Quaternary: Implications for the 1956 Amorgos events, central - south Aegean Sea, Greece. Tectonophysics 722, pp.138.
Karátson D., Gertisser R., Telbisz T., Vereb V., Quidelleur X., Druitt T., Nomikou P., Kósik S. (2018). Towards reconstruction of the lost Late Bronze Age intra-caldera island of Santorini, Greece. Scientific Reports 8 (1).
Rizzo A.L., Caracausi A., Chavagnac V., Nomikou P., Polymenakou P.N., Mandalakis M., Kotoulas G., Magoulas A., Castillo A., Lampridou D. (2016). Kolumbo submarine volcano (Greece): An active window into the Aegean subduction system. Scientific Reports 6.
Nomikou P., Druitt T.H., Hübscher C., Mather T.A., Paulatto M., Kalnins L.M., Kelfoun K., Papanikolaou D., Bejelou K., Lampridou D., Pyle D.M., Carey S., Watts A.B., Weib B., Parks M.M. (2016). Post-eruptive flooding of Santorini caldera and implications for tsunami generation. Nature Communications 7.
Watts A.B., Nomikou P., Moore J.D.P., Parks M.M., Alexandri M. (2015). Historical bathymetric charts and the evolution of Santorini submarine volcano, Greece. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (3), pp.847.
Kilias S.P., Nomikou P., Papanikolaou D., Polymenakou P.N., Godelitsas A., Argyraki A., Carey S., Gamaletsos P., Mertzimekis T.J., Stathopoulou E., Goettlicher J., Steininger R., Betzelou K., Livanos I., Christakis C., Bell K.L.C., Scoullos M. (2013). New insights into hydrothermal vent processes in the unique shallow-submarine arc-volcano, Kolumbo (Santorini), Greece. Scientific Reports 3.
Carey S., Nomikou P., Croff Bell K.C., Lilley M., Lupton J., Roman C., Stathopoulou E., Bejelou K., Ballard R. (2013). CO2 degassing from hydrothermal vents at Kolumbo submarine volcano, Greece, and the accumulation of acidic crater water. Geology 41 (9), pp.1035.
Parks M.M., Biggs J., England P., Mather T.A., Nomikou P., Palamartchouk K., Papanikolaou X., Paradissis D., Parsons B., Pyle D., Raptakis C., Zacharis V. (2012). Evolution of Santorini Volcano dominated by episodic and rapid fluxes of melt from depth. Nature Geoscience 5 (10), pp.749.