Ιδιότητα: Διδακτικό Ερευνητικό Προσωπικό (ΔΕΠ)
Βαθμίδα: Καθηγητής
Τομέας: Γεωγραφίας και Κλιματολογίας
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Ωκεανογραφία και Φυσική Γεωγραφία
Τηλέφωνο: 2107274143, 6973704799
e-mail: poulos@geol.uoa.gr
Προσωπική ιστοσελίδα: http://scholar.uoa.gr/poulos
Παράκτια, υποθαλάσσια και περιβαλλοντική Ωκεανογραφία - Παράκτιες γεωμορφές - Διαβρωση ακτών - Κλιματική αλλαγή (θαλάσσια στάθμη) - Διαχείριση Παρακτιας Ζώνης
Poulos S.E., Drakopoulos P. and Collins M.B. (1997). Seasonal variability in the oceanographic conditions in the Aegean Sea (eastern Mediterranean): An overview. Journal of Marine Systems, 13(1-4): 225-244
Poulos S.E., Chronis G., Collins M., Lykousis V., 2000. Thermaikos Gulf Coastal-System, NW Aegean Sea: An overview of water/sediment fluxes in relation to air-land-ocean interactions and human activities. Journal of Marine Systems, 25: 47-76.
Poulos S.E., Voulgaris G., Kapsimalis V., Collins M. and Evans G. (2002). Sediment fluxes and the evolution of a riverine-supplied tectonically-active coastal system: Kyparissiakos Gulf, Ionian Sea (eastern Mediterranean). (In:) Jones S.J. & Frostick L.E. (eds) Sediment Flux to Basins: Causes, Controls and Consequences. Journal of the Geological Society, 191: 247-266.
Alexandrakis G. and Poulos S. (2014). An holistic approach to beach erosion vulnerability assessment. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 4 : 6078
Poulos S.E., Ghionis G., Verykiou E., Roussakis G., Sakellariou D., Karditsa A., Alexandrakis G., Petrakis S., Sifnioti D., Panagiotopoulos I.P., Andris P., Georgiou P. (2015). An insight to the processes controlling the formation and evolution of a barrier beach in a tectonic active region (Lefkada Island, Ionian Sea). GeoMarine Letters, 35(1), 37-52.
Poulos, S. E. (2019). River systems and their water and sediment fluxes towards the marine regions of the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea earth system. An overview. Mediterranean Marine Science, 549-565.
Poulos S.E. (2020). “The Mediterranean and Black Sea Marine System: An overview of its physicogeographic and oceanographic characteristics” Earth Science Reviews v. 200 19 p.
Poulos, S., & Kotinas, V. (2020). Physio-geographical characteristics of the marine regions and their catchment areas of the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea marine system. Physical Geography, 1-37
Poulos, S., Karditsa, A., Hatzaki, M., Tsapanou, A., Papapostolou, C., & Chouvardas, K. (2022). An Insight into the Factors Controlling Delta Flood Events: The Case of the Evros River Deltaic Plain (NE Aegean Sea). Water, 14(3), 497.
Poulos, S. E. (2023). Water Masses of the Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea: An Overview. Water, 15(18), 3194