Ιδιότητα: Διδακτικό Ερευνητικό Προσωπικό (ΔΕΠ)
Βαθμίδα: Ομότιμη Καθηγήτρια
Τομέας: Γεωγραφίας και Κλιματολογίας
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Γεωμορφολογία
Τηλέφωνο: 6944528698
e-mail: gaki@geol.uoa.gr
Προσωπική ιστοσελίδα:
Παράκτια και ποτάμια Γεωμορφολογία, Μορφοτεκτονική, Αρχαιογεωμοργολογία, Γεωλογία Τεταρτογενούς, Φυσικές Καταστροφές
Μorphotectonic and archaeological observations in the eastern Argive plain (eastern Peloponnese, Greece) and their paleoseismological implications. 1993 Ζeischrift fur Geomorphologie, Suppl.-Bd. 94, 95-105.
Late Quaternary controls on river behaviour in the eastern part of the Argive plain, eastern Peloponnesus, Greece. 1995. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mediterranean Quaternary River Environments, Cambridge, 1992, by Balkema, Rotterdam, 89-95.
Palaeogeographic evolution and seismotectonic implications of the broader area of Eurotas river (Greece) during the Quaternary. 1999. Ζeischrift fur Geomorphology, Suppl.-Bd. 118, 135-146.
Coastal impacts of the 1894 Gulf of Atalanti earthquakes, central Greece. 2000. Marine Geology 170, 3-26.
Scent of a myth: tectonics, geochemistry and geomythology at Delphi (Greece). 2008. Journal of the Geological Society London, 165, 5–18.
Quaternary marine terraces as indicators of neotectonic activity of the Ierapetra normal fault SE Crete (Greece). 2008. Geomorphology, 104, 38–46.
Geomorphological study and Palaeogeographic evolution of NW Kefalonia island, Greece, concerning the hypothesis of a possible location of the Homeric Ithaca. 2011. Geological Society of America. Special Paper 476, 69-80.
Sedimentological and geoarchaeological evidence of multiple tsunamigenic imprint on the Bay of Palairos-Pogonia (Akarnania, NW Greece). 2011. Quaternary International, 242, 213-239.
Assessment of rural community and agricultural development using geomorphological-geological factors and GIS in the Trikala prefecture (Central Greece). 2013. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 27 (2), 573-588.
Geomorphology of the Pinios River delta, Central Greece. 2016. Journal of Maps, 12, 12-21.