Ιδιότητα: Εργαστηριακό Διδακτικό Προσωπικό (Ε.ΔΙ.Π.)
Τομέας: Γεωφυσικής και Γεωθερμίας
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο: Σεισμολογία
Τηλέφωνο: 2107274791, 6934265449
e-mail: kpavlou@geol.uoa.gr
Προσωπική ιστοσελίδα:
Επαγόμενη σεισμικότητα, Σεισμική επικινδυνότητα, Σεισμική Τομογραφία
Sardeli, E., Michas, G., Pavlou, K. et al. (2024) Spatiotemporal properties of the 2020 – 2021 Petrinja (Croatia) earthquake sequence. J Seismol. doi.org/10.1007/s10950-024-10228-1
Sardeli E, Michas G, Pavlou K, Vallianatos F. (2023) Spatiotemporal Variations of the Frequency–Magnitude Distribution in the 2019 Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest, California, Earthquake Sequence. Entropy. doi.org/10.3390/e25121612
Sardeli E, Michas G, Pavlou K, Vallianatos F, Karakonstantis A, Chatzopoulos G. (2023) Complexity of Recent Earthquake Swarms in Greece in Terms of Non-Extensive Statistical Physics. Entropy. doi.org/10.3390/e25040667
Vallianatos F, Karakonstantis A, Michas G, Pavlou K, Kouli M, Sakkas V. (2022) On the Patterns and Scaling Properties of the 2021–2022 Arkalochori Earthquake Sequence (Central Crete, Greece) Based on Seismological, Geophysical and Satellite Observations. Applied Sciences. doi.org/10.3390/app12157716
Michas, G., Pavlou, K., Avgerinou, SE. et al. (2022) Aftershock patterns of the 2021 Mw 6.3 Northern Thessaly (Greece) earthquake. J Seismol 26, 201–225, doi.org/10.1007/s10950-021-10070-9
Pavlou, K., Κaviris G., Kouskouna V., . Sakkas G., Zymvragakis A., Sakkas V., Drakatos G. (2021) Minor seismic hazard changes in the broader area of Pournari artificial lake after the first filling (W. Greece).Results in Geophysical Sciences. doi.org/10.1016/j.ringps.2021.100025.
Vallianatos, F., Pavlou, K.(2021) Scaling properties of the Mw7.0 Samos (Greece), 2020 aftershock sequence. Acta Geophys. 69, 1067–1084. doi.org/10.1007/s11600-021-00579-5
Michas, G., Pavlou, K., Vallianatos, F. et al.(2020) Correlation Between Seismicity and Water Level Fluctuations in the Polyphyto Dam, North Greece. Pure Appl. Geophys. 177, 3851–3870. doi.org/10.1007/s00024-020-02465-5
Kapetanidis V., Karakonstantis A., Papadimitriou P., Pavlou K., Spingos I., Kaviris G., Voulgaris N.(2020) The 19 July 2019 earthquake in Athens, Greece: A delayed major aftershock of the 1999 Mw = 6.0 event, or the activation of a different structure?, Journal of Geodynamics, Volume 139, 101766, ISSN 0264-3707, doi.org/10.1016/j.jog.2020.101766.
Pavlou, Kyriaki. 2019. “Relationship Between Observed Seismicity and Water Level Fluctuations in Polyphyto Dam Area (North Greece)”. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International 21 (2):1-10. doi.org/10.9734/jgeesi/2019/v21i230122.